Patent Infringement
Claim Charts
Claim charts are an essential artifact during any patent licensing or enforcement campaign, as it articulates the infringement theory in an easy to understand and difficult to refute format. Claim charts may evolve throughout a campaign, as new evidence is discovered during fact discovery, and the infringement positions become consolidated pre-trial.
We know what it takes to win.
Copperpod has helped plaintiff attorneys prepare detailed infringement contentions and evidence of use Claim Charts on over 100 patent litigation matters.
We understand the burden of proof our clients must satisfy - and work hard to make sure that our claim charts are not only thorough, on time but also explain technical concepts fully through easy-to-understand expert comments.
Real-World Expertise. Next-Level Ethic.
We work with clients throughout the case so that our Evidence of Use reports, Claim Charts and Infringement Contentions explore all the different aspects of infringement, and consistently align with the case facts.